AVR Tools
I have realized that not always all tools are easily available on the internet and also not all "latest" versions of tools support what I need (for example, I miss a feature to initialize EEPROM from file for AVR Simulator session in latest AVR Studio, pitty...). All files are freely available, just sometimes it takes time to find them on internet...
So here they are:
Atmel AVR Studio version 4.14 build 589
Win AVR development package (C compiler, editor) 13-3-2009
SP12 tool (flash, EEPROM and fuses programmer) for paralel port
Khazama programmer tool (flash, EEPROM and fuses programmer) for USB ASP hardware
Windows driver for USB ASP hardware, version
Original USB ASP hardware description, firmware and schematics
Few words about USB ASP programmer - I got it on eBay for nice price. It comes with little bit older firmware, so it is not compatible to Khazama version 1.7.0. So it is necessary to use older Khazama, or better to upgrade firmware of USB ASP. I did the second option.
I burned firmware to my first USB ASP using SP12 software - works fine. But when I got next USB ASP, I burned the firmware using USB ASP (so one programmer burned firmware to other programmer). It is very easy - just solder the programming jumper pins JP2 at programmed USB ASP and put there the jumper. Use the original supplied ribon cable to connect both units. Don't forget to remove the jumper after programming (no need to unsolder the pins :-).