DX Travel Bug
Geocaching is a funny hobby. People search for hidden boxes using GPS receiver, when they find them, they log the visit into logbook inside the box. But it is not all. Geocoins or travel bugs are small things, that should be moved from one cache to another by geocachers. Each such object has an identification, people log on internet from where to where they move it - others can than see where it is, how long distance it travelled, track on map and so. The object can be assigned a task by its owner - where to move it, or anything else...
I decided to create a little bit unusual travel bug - a simple electronic circuit, sending morse code message. As a task, people should try to decode it and when they succeed, to send me a msg by email.
The design uses Atmel AtTiny13 controller. The flash program is responsible to sending morse code - timing and tone generation. Program is written in C, using WinAVR libraries. The message itself is stored in EEPROM (capacity 65 characters). The project has been compiled in AVR Studio environment. In fact the whole thing is so simple that other comments are not necessary :-) The power is supplied in easiest possible way - using USB conntector pins directly on PCB.

Source code, schema, PCB
73 OK1DX