Trip to Iran in June 2010
My job is in industrial automation branch - I am a programmer (Windows, PLC, databases,... as necessary). In May 2010 my boss asked me to help my collegues to start a commisioning of software they wrote - in Iran, Bandar Abbas (loc LL87DE). As he said, just for one month. The group consists of me and Vasek OK1JNU. We travelled from Prague via Amsterdam and Dubai to our final destination. I spent 2 months on site finally, I am glad I am back home now (via Dubai and Istanbul).
Walking along the coast (in 40 deg C weather)

The Persian Gulf

Local garden

Gardener and the others


I am a millionar! (real value about 100 USD)

The factory (new built)

OK1JNU sitting on graphite electrodes

Electric Arc Furnace

EAF in tapping phase

Electrodes in furnace

The soup

Sunset from the hotel